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2050 – An Energetic Odyssey

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Energetic-Odyssey-map One of the most exciting and provocative features at Offshore Wind Energy 2017 will be 2050 – An Energetic Odyssey brought to you by Van Oord and Shell. Created as part of Project Atelier at Rotterdam’s International Architecture Biennial, this large-scale animated installation demonstrates what should be done if we are to take the two-degree climate target seriously.

The 12-minute installation offers a fascinating visualization of a possible future: focusing on the North Sea, An Energetic Odyssey takes its audience forward to a 2050 of robust ecological and economic health and explains what actions need to be taken in order to achieve such a future. At the heart of this future is a plan for 25,000 10 MW wind turbines that will meet about 90 per cent of the energy demand of the North Sea countries by 2050!

Focusing on the topics of energy saving and decentralized energy production, this unmissable feature offers an inspiring picture of a future that is not only ideal but also perfectly realisable if the appropriate actions are taken by political and industry players.

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