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PROMOTioN Side Event

When: Wednesday 7 June 2017, 13.00 – 16.30
Where: Capital Suite, Room 16, level 3
Open to: All participants with a valid exhibition or conference pass for Wednesday

PROMOTioN – Preliminary Results and Findings – Between Technological and Regulatory Challenges for the Development of Meshed HVDC Offshore Grids

A meshed European offshore transmission grid connecting offshore wind farms to shore could provide significant financial, technical and environmental benefits to the European electricity market. The Horizon 2020 project PROMOTioN aims to explore and identify these potential benefits.

The main objective of PROMOTioN is the demonstration, research and investigation of HVDC circuit breakers, converter technology and protection schemes. Complementary to this end, a regulatory and financial framework will be developed for the coordinated planning, construction and operation of integrated offshore infrastructures, including an offshore grid deployment plan (roadmap) for the future offshore grid system in Europe.

Based on the broad range of challenges involved, this side event features the presentation of a draft roadmap for the development of a meshed offshore grids (Tractebel) as well as the respective legal framework and requirements (University of Groningen). In addition, the design of test circuits for HVDC circuit breakers (DNV GL) and general DC circuit breaker protection schemes (KU Leuven) will be discussed.

The PROMOTioN project partners are eager to receive your valuable feedback on these subjects and are looking forward welcoming you to the event.

PROMOTioN is funded under the EU Horizon2020 research and innovation programme from January 2016 until December 2019 (GA No 691714).

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